
shinyWidgets : Extend widgets available in shiny

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shinyWidgets Extend widgets available in shiny Overview This package provide custom widgets and other components to enhance your shiny applications. You can replace classical checkboxes with switch button, add colors to radio buttons and checkbox group, use buttons as radio or checkboxes. Each widget has an update method to change the value of an input from the server. Installation Install from CRAN with: install.packages("shinyWidgets") Or install the development version from GitHub with: # install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("dreamRs/shinyWidgets") Demo A gallery application is included in the package. Once installed, use the following command to launch it: shinyWidgets::shinyWidgetsGallery() A live version is available here : http://shinyapps.dreamrs.fr/shinyWidgets Widgets Single checkbox Bootstrap switch Turn checkboxes into toggle switches : switchInput(inputId = "id", value = TRUE) Material switch Turn checkboxes into toggle switches : materialSwitch(inputId = "id", label = "Primary switch", status = "danger") Pretty checkbox prettyCheckbox( inputId = "id", label = "Check me!", icon = icon("check") ) Pretty switch prettySwitch( inputId = "id", label = "Switch:", fill = TRUE, status = "primary" ) Pretty toggle prettyToggle( inputId = "id", label_on = "Checked!", label_off = "Unchecked..." ) Checkboxes and radio buttons Bootstrap buttons checkboxGroupButtons( # or radioGroupButtons inputId = "id", label = "Choice: ", choices = c("A", "B", "C") ) Pretty checkbox group and radio buttons prettyCheckboxGroup( # or prettyRadioButtons inputId = "id", label = "Choice", choices = c("A", "B", "c"), outline = TRUE, plain = TRUE, status = "primary", icon = icon("check") ) Select menu Bootstrap select picker Select menu with lot of configurations options available: pickerInput( inputId = "id", label = "Select:", choices = month.name, options = pickerOptions( actionsBox = TRUE, size = 10, selectedTextFormat = "count > 3" ), multiple = TRUE ) Virtual select Select menu that can support long list of choices: virtualSelectInput( inputId = "id", label = "Select:", choices = list( "Spring" = c("March", "April", "May"), "Summer" = c("June", "July", "August"), "Autumn" = c("September", "October", "November"), "Winter" = c("December", "January", "February") ), showValueAsTags = TRUE, search = TRUE, multiple = TRUE ) Date picker Air Datepicker Date (or month or year) picker with lot of options and a timepicker integrated : airDatepickerInput( inputId = "id", label = "Select:", placeholder = "Placeholder", multiple = 5, clearButton = TRUE ) Sliders Slider with Text Slider with strings, to pass whatever you want: sliderTextInput( inputId = "id", label = "Choice:", grid = TRUE, force_edges = TRUE, choices = c( "Strongly disagree", "Disagree", "Neither agree nor disagree", "Agree", "Strongly agree" ) ) noUiSlider A range slider that can be colored, have more than two handles and positioned vertically (among other things): noUiSliderInput( inputId = "id", label = "Select:", min = 0, max = 600, value = c(100, 220, 400), tooltips = TRUE, step = 1 ) Tree Tree check Select value(s) in a hierarchical structure: treeInput( inputId = "ID2", label = "Select cities:", choices = create_tree(cities), returnValue = "text", closeDepth = 1 ) Text Search A text input only triggered by hitting 'Enter' or clicking search button : searchInput( inputId = "id", label = "Enter your search :", placeholder = "This is a placeholder", btnSearch = icon("search"), btnReset = icon("remove"), width = "100%" ) Other functionnalities Sweet Alert Show an alert message to the user to provide some feedback, via sweetalert2 library: See examples in ?show_alert. Request confirmation from the user : See examples in ?ask_confirmation. Dropdown button Hide input in a button : dropdownButton( tags$h3("List of Input"), selectInput(inputId = 'xcol', label = 'X Variable', choices = names(iris)), selectInput(inputId = 'ycol', label = 'Y Variable', choices = names(iris), selected = names(iris)[[2]]), sliderInput(inputId = 'clusters', label = 'Cluster count', value = 3, min = 1, max = 9), circle = TRUE, status = "danger", icon = icon("gear"), width = "300px", tooltip = tooltipOptions(title = "Click to see inputs !") ) See also ?dropMenu()
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