
A megapack of themes for GNU Emacs.

Emacs Lispthemeemacscolorschemedoom-emacs
This is stars and forks stats for /doomemacs/themes repository. As of 27 Apr, 2024 this repository has 2042 stars and 375 forks.

Doom Emacs' Theme Pack A theme megapack for GNU Emacs, inspired by community favorites. Special attention is given for Doom Emacs and solaire-mode support, but will work fine anywhere else. See the screenshots. Table of Contents Install Doom Emacs Manually + use-package Theme list Extensions Complementary plugins Customization Contribute Install Doom Emacs The built-in :ui doom module installs and configures doom-themes for you, and loads doom-one by default. To change the theme, change doom-theme: ;;...
Read on GithubGithub Stats Page
emacs-lsp/lsp-modeEmacs LispTeXHTML4.5k0818-1
minad/verticoEmacs Lisp1.2k0590
raxod502/straight.elEmacs LispPythonOther2.5k+101490
rust-lang/rust-modeEmacs LispOther1k-1171+1
joaotavora/eglotEmacs LispMakefile2k+51980
emacs-evil/evil-collectionEmacs LispOther1.1k+3243+1
purcell/envrcEmacs LispMakefile2810280
oantolin/embarkEmacs Lisp732+7480