
Jupyter Notebook
This is stars and forks stats for /deepmind/educational repository. As of 02 May, 2024 this repository has 1358 stars and 186 forks.

DeepMind Educational Resources This repository contains a collection of educational tutorials that we have prepared for teaching the basics of machine learning to various audiences. The goal is to have simple and accessible resources that can enable anyone, including those with no machine learning background, to engage and learn from these tutorials. Our aim is to contribute to democratisation of machine learning by providing accessible educational resources to inspire everyone. The tutorials are...
Read on GithubGithub Stats Page
MouseLand/cellposeJupyter NotebookPython97703130
eabarnes1010/ml_tutorial_csuJupyter Notebook770160
IDEA-opensource/DAB-DETRJupyter NotebookPythonCuda4370690
barbagroup/CFDPythonJupyter NotebookOther3k01.1k0
ine-rmotr-curriculum/freecodecamp-intro-to-numpyJupyter Notebook40701.5k0
KeithGalli/Pandas-Data-Science-TasksJupyter NotebookPython76502.7k0
pschatzmann/arduino-audio-toolsCJupyter NotebookC++91901570
jessevig/bertvizPythonJavaScriptJupyter Notebook5.7k07060
SelfExplainML/PiML-ToolboxJupyter Notebook7060860