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Scripts to create couchbase amazon ec2 AMI's. Prerequisites You'll need.... java (for the amazon ec2 API tools) JAVA_HOME environment variable properly pointed at your java. Get the scripts git clone [email protected]:couchbaselabs/couchbase-ami.git cd couchbase-ami Setup credentials mkdir -p ~/.ec2/couchbase_aws-marketplace Get the pk/cert for the marketplace-related AWS account. They'll need to live at... ~/.ec2/couchbase_aws-marketplace/pk-RPGT6DCSVXNK5QWMHAACI3KUHN5ILKOX.pem ~/.ec2/couchbase_aws-marketplace/cert-RPGT6DCSVXNK5QWMHAACI3KUHN5ILKOX.pem If your private keys and certs are in a different place, you can override them by specifying them as KEY=value parameters to the make command... make EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=MyLocationToPrivateKeyPEMFile \ EC2_CERT=MyLocationToPrivateKeyPEMFile \ clean Get your ssh key so you can login into the EC2 instances. These usually will live in the ~/.ssh directory on your computer. For example, mine is at... ~/.ssh/steveyen-key2.pem If you do not have the key yet, using the next step to generate one, and rename it .pem. Make sure the owner can read and write using the key. chmod 600 steveyen-key2.pem If you don't have an AMI compatible ssh key, run the following command to generate a new one make SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 generate-key Building the AMI... First, clean up from previous attempts... make clean Then, if you're making an AMI for a version number update, be sure to have the right tag. The common available tags to configure are CB_VERSION = <couchbase server version> CB_Edition = <couchbase server edition, enterprise/community> SYNC_Edition = <sync-gateway edition, enterprise/community> CB = <0/1, flag 1 would include CB server, 0 would not> Be aware that you need to manually change SYNC_GATEWAY_URL in Makefile and its downloaded file name as the url changes between versions. SYNC_Edition option only updates AMI description. First, use step 0, which should launch an new EC2 instance. make SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 step0 If that takes longer than usual (because EC2 cloud is impacted), then repeat the following command untill you finally see some addresses in the output... make SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 instance-describe You'll want to see output lines that look like... INSTANCE i-936991f0 ami-7341831a ip-10-93-70-157.ec2.internal running steveyen-key2 0 m1.xlarge 2011-10-26T22:59:43+0000 us-east-1c aki-825ea7eb monitoring-disabled ebs paravirtual xen sg-dddbcdb4 default Note: should update EC2 instance here before preoceeding with further installation. make SSH_KEY=john-key2 instance-clean make SSH_KEY=john-key2 instance-update Reboot the instance from AWS UI to get the updated instance Or, you can use step1 to complete the above steps... make SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 step1 The previous might fail due to SSH issues. Have patience, wait and try again a few time, as the instance requires time to come online. Also, you could not create more than 1 AMI image at the same time. The script grabs all the ec2 hostname, so leaving more than 1 ec2 alive could cause connection issue. If you only have 1 ec2 host alive, and you are still seeing the permission issue, try running "instance-describe" cmd again to create a new "instance-describe.out". Then, go to the next step, etc... make SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 step2 make SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 step3 make SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 step4 By default, couchbase 2.5.1 and sync gateway 1.0 will be installed. Provide tags to override this option. make CB_VERSION=2.2.0 CB_Edition=Community SYNC_Edition=Community CB=1 SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 step2 make CB_VERSION=2.2.0 CB_Edition=Community SYNC_Edition=Community CB=1 SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 step3 make CB_VERSION=2.2.0 CB_Edition=Community SYNC_Edition=Community CB=1 SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 step4 NOTE: If you don't want the couchbase server package pre-installed on the AMI, such as to just get an empty-but-ready AMI for QE/testing, or an AMI only with syn gateway, then just skip step2. skip step4 if you do not want to have extra 80G volume attaached to the AMI make SYNC_Edition=Enterprise CB=0 SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 step1 make SYNC_Edition=Enterprise CB=0 SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 step3 make SYNC_Edition=Enterprise CB=0 SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 step4 Go to AMI on AWS dashboard. Search for the AMI image number which you just generated on step4. You should now have an AMI that's AWS / ISV Marketplace ready. But, it might take a few minutes for AWS to finish building it (moving it out of 'pending' state -- have patience). Creating SnapShot Finally, for an AMI meant for the AWS / ISV Marketplace Click "Action" - "Modify image permission" Grant permission for AWS to access it... grant access to aws # 679593333241 Check the box to, Add "create volume" permissions to the following associated snapshots when creating permissions. Click "Save". You should see the account number listed under "AWS Account Number" Verify that the snapshot(s) have been correctly shared: Click "Snapshots" in the left hand navigation bar Select the snapshot(s) associated with the AMI Click "Permissions". You should see "aws-marketplace" Other Hints: If you're doing an updated AMI due to a new software release, be sure to scrub any README's for changes, etc. To make a community edition AMI, use something like... make IMAGE_DESC="pre-installed Couchbase Server 2.0.0, Community Edition, 64bit" \ PKG_NAME=couchbase-server-community_x86_64_2.0.0.rpm \ SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 \ clean step0 step1 ...
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