
Helper scripts to build Couchbase AMI's

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Scripts to create couchbase amazon ec2 AMI's. Prerequisites You'll need.... java (for the amazon ec2 API tools) JAVA_HOME environment variable properly pointed at your java. Get the scripts git clone [email protected]:couchbaselabs/couchbase-ami.git cd couchbase-ami Setup credentials mkdir -p ~/.ec2/couchbase_aws-marketplace Get the pk/cert for the marketplace-related AWS account. They'll need to live at... ~/.ec2/couchbase_aws-marketplace/pk-RPGT6DCSVXNK5QWMHAACI3KUHN5ILKOX.pem ~/.ec2/couchbase_aws-marketplace/cert-RPGT6DCSVXNK5QWMHAACI3KUHN5ILKOX.pem If your private keys and certs are in a different place, you can override them by specifying them as KEY=value parameters to the make command... make EC2_PRIVATE_KEY=MyLocationToPrivateKeyPEMFile \ EC2_CERT=MyLocationToPrivateKeyPEMFile \ clean Get your ssh key so you can login into the EC2 instances. These usually will live in the ~/.ssh directory on your computer. For example, mine is at... ~/.ssh/steveyen-key2 If you don't have an AMI compatible ssh key, run the following command to generate a new one make SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 generate-key Building the AMI... First, clean up from previous attempts... make clean Then, if you're making an AMI for a version number update, be sure to have the right tag. Then, use step 0, which should launch an new EC2 instance. make SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 step0 use step 1 could update the seed AMI for you. make SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 step1 Alternatively, you could config it manully, or jump to step 2 If that takes longer than usual (because EC2 cloud is impacted), then repeat the following command untill you finally see some addresses in the output... make SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 instance-describe You'll want to see output lines that look like... INSTANCE i-936991f0 ami-7341831a ip-10-93-70-157.ec2.internal running steveyen-key2 0 m1.xlarge 2011-10-26T22:59:43+0000 us-east-1c aki-825ea7eb monitoring-disabled ebs paravirtual xen sg-dddbcdb4 default Note: should update EC2 instance here before preoceeding with further installation. make SSH_KEY=john-key2 instance-clean make SSH_KEY=john-key2 instance-update The previous might fail due to SSH issues. Have patience, wait and try again a few time, as the instance requires time to come online. Reboot the instance from AWS UI to get the updated instance Then, go to the next step, etc... make SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 step2 make SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 step3 make SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 step5 By default, couchbase 2.0.0 will be installed. Provide VERSION number to override this option. make SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 VERSION=2.0.0 step2 make SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 step3 make SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 VERSION=2.0.0 step5 NOTE: Skip step 4 to create image only without volume attached to the AMI NOTE: If you don't want the package pre-installed on the AMI, such as to just get an empty-but-ready AMI for QE/testing, then just skip step2. You should now have an AMI that's AWS / ISV Marketplace ready. But, it might take a few minutes for AWS to finish building it (moving it out of 'pending' state -- have patience). Finally, for an AMI meant for the AWS / ISV Marketplace, grant permission for AWS to access it... grant access to aws # 6795-9333-3241 Other Hints: If you're doing an updated AMI due to a new software release, be sure to scrub any README's for changes, etc. To make a community edition AMI, use something like... make IMAGE_DESC="pre-installed Couchbase Server 2.0.0, Community Edition, 64bit" \ PKG_NAME=couchbase-server-community_x86_64_2.0.0.rpm \ SSH_KEY=steveyen-key2 \ clean step0 step1 ...
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