
Smart Contracts for Celer State Guardian Network (SGN) V2 and cBridge V2

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SGN Contracts Contracts for the Celer State Guardian Network (SGN) V2. Run unit tests yarn test Benchmark gas cost yarn report-gas:benchmark yarn report-gas:summary Check reports/gas_usage. Update contract sizes yarn size-contracts Check reports/contract_sizes.txt. Deployments Deployment Management Contract deployments are tracked by hardhat through the files under ./deployments directory on deployment branches. To deploy newest contracts to mainnet, staging, or testnet chains: git checkout mainnet-deployment|staging-deployment|testnet-deployment, correspondingly git merge main into the deployment branch deploy the contracts push the deployments file changes If any contracts (e.g. libraries) are used for both mainnet and staging, follow the step above to deploy them on staging chains first, then cherry-pick the commit containing ONLY the deployment changes of these shared contracts to mainnet-deployment. Please be cautious with file changes when doing such operation. Rules: ./deployments should NOT exist on main branch only merge main into the deployment branches only change the ./deployments directory on deployment branches so that there will always be no conflicts when merge main Deploy contracts cp .env.template .env, then ensure all environment variables are set in .env. Replace INFURA-PROJECT-ID suffix of the network endpoint in .env, that you're going to use. Add private key of your account that would be used, in .env. Refer to hardhat.config.ts for env param key. Deploy SGN and Staking contracts: hardhat deploy --network <network> --tags SGNStaking Deploy Bridge contract: hardhat deploy --network <network> --tags Bridge Deploy OriginalTokenVault contract: Make sure to set ORIGINAL_TOKEN_VAULT_SIGS_VERIFIER in .env to the Bridge address when deploying. Such as: ORIGINAL_TOKEN_VAULT_SIGS_VERIFIER=0x67E5E3E54B2E4433CeDB484eCF4ef0f35Fe3Fb22 Where 0x67E5E3E54B2E4433CeDB484eCF4ef0f35Fe3Fb22 is the Bridge contract address hardhat deploy --network <network> --tags OriginalTokenVault Deploy PeggedTokenBridge contract: Make sure to set ORIGINAL_TOKEN_VAULT_SIGS_VERIFIER in .env to the Bridge address when deploying. Such as: PEGGED_TOKEN_BRIDGE_SIGS_VERIFIER=0x67E5E3E54B2E4433CeDB484eCF4ef0f35Fe3Fb22 Where 0x67E5E3E54B2E4433CeDB484eCF4ef0f35Fe3Fb22 is the Bridge contract address hardhat deploy --network <network> --tags PeggedTokenBridge Deploy OriginalTokenVaultV2 contract: Make sure to set ORIGINAL_TOKEN_VAULT_SIGS_VERIFIER in .env to the Bridge address when deploying. Such as: ORIGINAL_TOKEN_VAULT_SIGS_VERIFIER=0x67E5E3E54B2E4433CeDB484eCF4ef0f35Fe3Fb22 Where 0x67E5E3E54B2E4433CeDB484eCF4ef0f35Fe3Fb22 is the Bridge contract address hardhat deploy --network <network> --tags OriginalTokenVaultV2 Deploy PeggedTokenBridgeV2 contract: Make sure to set ORIGINAL_TOKEN_VAULT_SIGS_VERIFIER in .env to the Bridge address when deploying. Such as: PEGGED_TOKEN_BRIDGE_SIGS_VERIFIER=0x67E5E3E54B2E4433CeDB484eCF4ef0f35Fe3Fb22 Where 0x67E5E3E54B2E4433CeDB484eCF4ef0f35Fe3Fb22 is the Bridge contract address hardhat deploy --network <network> --tags PeggedTokenBridgeV2 Verify contracts on explorers On Etherscan variants via hardhat etherscan-verify This is the recommended way for most mainnet Etherscan variants. Make sure the ETHERSCAN_API_KEY is set correctly in .env. hardhat etherscan-verify --network <network> --license "GPL-3.0" --force-license On Etherscan variants via solt This is useful since most testnet Etherscan variants don't offer verification via the API. Generate the standard JSON input files: source scripts/solt.sh run_solt_write Then try: solt verify --license 5 --network <network> solc-input-<contract>.json <deployed address> <contract name> If the second step fails, go to Etherscan and manually verify using the standard JSON input files. On Blockscout variants via sourcify This is used if the Blockscout variant requires "Sources and Metadata JSON". hardhat sourcify --network <network> On Blockscout variants via flattened source files This is used if the Blockscout variant requires a single source file, or in general as a last resort. Flatten the source files: hardhat flatten <path-to-contract> > flattened.sol Edit flattened.sol. Remove the duplicate SPDX-License-Identifier lines, keeping a single copy of // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only and submit to Blockscout. Sometimes you also need to remove the duplicate pragma solidity lines. Upgradable contract via the proxy pattern How it works proxy contract holds state and delegatecall all calls to actual impl contract. When upgrade, a new impl contract is deployed, and proxy is updated to point to the new contract. below from openzeppelin doc User ---- tx ---> Proxy ----------> Implementation_v0 | ------------> Implementation_v1 | ------------> Implementation_v2 Add upgradable contract To minimize code fork, we add a new contract that inherits existing contract, eg. contract TokenUpgradable is Token. Next we need to ensure that all states set in Token contract constructor (and its parent contracts) must be settable via a separate normal func like init. This will allow Proxy contract to delegeteCall init and set proper values in Proxy's state, not the impl contract state. See MintSwapCanonicalTokenUpgradable.sol for example. We also need to either shadow Ownable._owner because when proxy delegateCall, in proxy state, Ownable._owner is not set and there is no other way to set it. Or use our own Ownable.sol which has internal func initOwner Add deploy scripts add a new ts file for deploy, in deploy options, add proxy section, make sure the methodName and args match actual upgradable contract proxy: { proxyContract: "OptimizedTransparentProxy", execute: { // only called when proxy is deployed, it'll call Token contract.init // with proper args init: { methodName: 'init', args: [ process.env.MINT_SWAP_CANONICAL_TOKEN_NAME, process.env.MINT_SWAP_CANONICAL_TOKEN_SYMBOL] } } } see deploy/pegged/tokens/008_mint_swap_canonical_token_upgradable.ts for example Deploy and upgrade hardhat deploy plugin tries to be smart and deploy ProxyAdmin only once for each chain, deploy impl contract then proxy contract
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