
Circom merkle tree primitives

CircomJupyter Notebookmit-licensemerkle-treezkcircomzk-merkle-tree
This is stars and forks stats for /bauti-defi/Zk-MerkleTree repository. As of 30 Apr, 2024 this repository has 23 stars and 0 forks.

Zk-MerkleTree A circom circuit implementation of a Merkle Tree. With this circuit you can prove that a list of leaves computes to a given merkle root. 🔍 Audits This code is not audited and should be used for educational purposes only. If you get wreck'd, it's not my fault. ⚠️ To become an auditor, submit a PR with your name added to the list below and a link to your audit. All audits must be performed on the main branch. Audited By: could be you? ⚠️ Disclaimer This is my first serious attempt at...
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