
A set of convenience functions to list class, variable, function, and other symbols from an arbitrary set of packages.

Common LispScheme
This is stars and forks stats for /atlas-engineer/nsymbols repository. As of 02 May, 2024 this repository has 4 stars and 0 forks.

nsymbols Nsymbols is a set of functions to search, filter, and group symbols in a chosen set of packages based on arbitrary conditions. Nsymbols extends the regular package API of ANSI CL with more operations, allowing one to list: package-symbols. package-variables. package-functions (and package-functions* in nsymbols/star). package-generic-functions (and package-generic-functions* in nsymbols/star). package-macros. package-methods* in nsymbols/star. package-classes...
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