
Official Anytype client for Android

This is stars and forks stats for /anyproto/anytype-kotlin repository. As of 05 May, 2024 this repository has 186 stars and 17 forks.

Anytype Official Anytype client for Android. Build project Prerequisites Clone this repository Create file in root project folder: gpr.usr=GITHUB_USER_ID gpr.key=GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN Your Github ID (starting with '#' character) can be found here. As to your personal Github access token, you can generate it in Developer settings in your profile settings on Github. Create file in root project folder: amplitude.debug="AMPLITUDE_DEBUG_KEY" amplitude.release="AMPLITUDE_RELEASE_KEY" sentry_dsn="SENTRY_DSN_KEY" Then build project. IDE setup (optional) Based on your IDE setup, you might experience problems while accessing/importing auto-generated Kotlin classes from protocol module. These classes are currently declared in very large files, which IDE might not process as expected. If this is your case, go to your Android Studio Help section, select Edit Custom Properties option. There you should set idea.max.intellisense.filesize property as follows: idea.max.intellisense.filesize=3500 Useful links Our tech change log Anytype Android app dependencies Conventions PR naming {TASK-ID} {APP AREA} | {NATURE OF CHANGE: Fix, Enhancement, Feature, Design, Documentation} | {CONCISE DESCRIPTION OF WHAT HAS BEEN DONE} App area can be App, Editor, Sets, Relations, Auth, Settings, Analytics, Tech (CI, DI, scripting, etc.), etc. Example: Editor | Fix | Show meaningful message when failed to open file by an existing application Git branch naming {TASK_ID or TASK_NUMBER}-ConciseDescription Flags - for CI/CD pipeline Updating anytype-heart (basics) Prerequisite: brew install jq Run the following command in Terminal or Makefile: make update_mw Make sure your proto files located in protocol/main/proto/ compile. Make sure to update middlewareVersion version in libs.versions.toml. Contribution Thank you for your desire to develop Anytype together! ❤️ This project and everyone involved in it is governed by the Code of Conduct. 🧑‍💻 Check out our contributing guide to learn about asking questions, creating issues, or submitting pull requests. 🫢 For security findings, please email [email protected] and refer to our security guide for more information. 🤝 Follow us on Github and join the Contributors Community. Made by Any — a Swiss association 🇨🇭 Licensed under Any Source Available License 1.0.
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