
implementing is_prime function and test speed of execution in different languages and runtimes.

This is stars and forks stats for /ali77gh/language_performance_prime_algorithm repository. As of 07 May, 2024 this repository has 37 stars and 16 forks.

Performance Test This repository contains an implementation of the is_prime function in multiple programming languages using the same algorithm. The goal is to compare the performance of different languages and runtimes. Usage To run code in various programming languages, use the script: ./ [LANGUAGE] If no argument is provided, the script will run code in all supported languages. Otherwise, provide a language name to run the corresponding code. Supported Languages assembly c cpp rust go java nodejs csharp_mono dart python_codon pascal python php r chap Examples # Run code in all supported languages ./ # Run specific language ./ cpp To display usage instructions and a list of supported languages, use the --help or -h flag: ./ --help If you want to add your own test results, simply run the script with your CPU model name and redirect the output to a file in the result directory. See the result directory for the output of running the tests on different CPUs. My Laptop (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U) Note: times are 5% more or less on different runs, so C and C++ can win sometimes. Ranking Language Runtime/Compiler Time n% Slower than Winner #1 Assembly NASM 3.10s Winner #2 C GCC 3.12s 0.64% #3 C++ G++ 3.15s 1.6% #4 Go Go 1.20.3 3.81s 22% #5 Julia Julia 1.8.5 3.87s 24% #6 Rust Native 1.67.1 3.97s 28% #7 C# Mono 6.8 5.32s 71% #8 Java OpenJDK 17 5.73s 84% #9 Js Nodejs 20 5.80s 87% #10 Dart Dart 2.19.0 7.11s 129% #11 Python Codon 0.16.0 10.89s 251% #12 Pascal FPC 3.2.2 13.68s 341% #13 PHP PHP 8.2.5 26.32s 749% #14 Python Python 3.11.3 82.31s 2545% #15 Ruby Ruby 3.2.2 85.55s 2641% #16 R Rscript 4.0.4 240.0s 7641% #17 Chap chap 1.0.1 1025s 32964% The n% Slower than Winner column shows the percent difference between the time taken by each language and the fastest language (Assembly). Formula: ((LanguageTime - WinnerTime) * 100) / WinnerTime Contribute You can contribute to this repository in one of the following ways: Optimize your favorite programming language without changing the algorithm and without using concurrency. Add a new language by using the same algorithm. Add a new runtime. Share your test results. Add your result to the result directory.
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