
Code examples of how to speak to the Lens API

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Lens API This repo has running code which you can execute to help you understand how to interact with the Lens API. Lens API is beta at the moment and can change without warning! Full documentation is available at https://docs.lens.dev/docs/introduction. Setup for the scripts to run you need to create a .env (or copy the template cp .env.template .env) file with these variables: PK=YOUR_PK MUMBAI_RPC_URL=https://rpc-mumbai.matic.today PROFILE_ID=PROFILE_ID LENS_API=https://api-mumbai.lens.dev/ LENS_HUB_CONTRACT=0x60Ae865ee4C725cd04353b5AAb364553f56ceF82 LENS_PERIPHERY_CONTRACT=0xD5037d72877808cdE7F669563e9389930AF404E8 INFURA_PROJECT_ID=YOUR_INFURA_PROJECT_ID INFURA_SECRET=YOUR_INFURA_SECRET Note 1:PROFILE_ID is optional but required on some endpoints! Also, make sure to insert the PROFILE_ID in hexadecimal format. Note 2: Highly advised to create an API key and use the Alchemy RPC provider for Mumbai to avoid rate limiting. Note 3: PK represents Private key here. Note 4: This project uses infura ipfs to pin content which now is API keys only so you have to create an API key on their side. You can also use another storage provider or pinning service if you which, feel free to do a PR with that service and we can change the .env to include option to pick. How to run Always make sure you npm install beforehand. look in the package.json file for the scripts section you see all the scripts you can run. This is prefixed with resolver:method. example running: $ npm run authentication:login Issues If you have any issues with the API or want a new endpoint please create an issue!
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