
fast, friendly searching with ripgrep and Emacs

Emacs Lispemacsripgrep
This is stars and forks stats for /Wilfred/deadgrep repository. As of 29 Apr, 2024 this repository has 656 stars and 48 forks.

Deadgrep: use ripgrep from Emacs ☠️ Deadgrep is the fast, beautiful text search that your Emacs deserves. Table of Contents Usage Installation Keybindings Additional interactive commands Minibuffer Easy Debugging Features Super Fast Context Aware Easy Filtering Polish Beta Features Alternative Projects Why the name? Usage Installation Install ripgrep. You need version 0.8 or later. Install deadgrep from MELPA (do M-x package-install RET deadgrep within Emacs 25.1 or later), or copy it into your...
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