JSON conversion and parsing for VBA

Visual Basic .NET
This is stars and forks stats for /VBA-tools/VBA-JSON repository. As of 18 Apr, 2024 this repository has 1531 stars and 519 forks.

VBA-JSON JSON conversion and parsing for VBA (Windows and Mac Excel, Access, and other Office applications). It grew out of the excellent project vba-json, with additions and improvements made to resolve bugs and improve performance (as part of VBA-Web). Tested in Windows Excel 2013 and Excel for Mac 2011, but should apply to 2007+. For Windows-only support, include a reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" For Mac and Windows support, include VBA-Dictionary Examples Dim Json As Object Set...
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dragokas/hijackthisVisual Basic 6.0VBAOther59601020
NYAN-x-CAT/Lime-RATVisual Basic .NET96004370
bmatzelle/gowNSISVisual Basic .NETBatchfile6.5k+1411+7