
CLI tooling framework with simple interactive widgets

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CLI UI CLI UI is a small framework for generating nice command-line user interfaces Master Documentation Documentation of the Rubygems version Rubygems Installation gem install cli-ui or add the following to your Gemfile: gem 'cli-ui' In your code, simply add a require 'cli/ui'. Most options assume CLI::UI::StdoutRouter.enable has been called. Features This may not be an exhaustive list. Please check our documentation for more information. Nested framing To handle content flow (see example below) CLI::UI::StdoutRouter.enable'Frame 1') do'Frame 2') { puts "inside frame 2" } puts "inside frame 1" end Interactive Prompts Prompt user with options and ask them to choose. Can answer using arrow keys, vim bindings (j/k), or numbers (or y/n for yes/no questions). For large numbers of options, using e, :, or G will toggle "line select" mode which allows numbers greater than 9 to be typed and f or / will allow the user to filter options using a free-form text input. CLI::UI.ask('What language/framework do you use?', options: %w(rails go ruby python)) To set the color of instruction text: CLI::UI::Prompt.instructions_color = CLI::UI::Color::GRAY Can also assign callbacks to each option CLI::UI::Prompt.ask('What language/framework do you use?') do |handler| handler.option('rails') { |selection| selection } handler.option('go') { |selection| selection } handler.option('ruby') { |selection| selection } handler.option('python') { |selection| selection } end Note that the two examples provided above are identical in functionality Free form text prompts CLI::UI.ask('Is CLI UI Awesome?', default: 'It is great!') Spinner groups Handle many multi-threaded processes while suppressing output unless there is an issue. Can update title to show state. do |spin_group| spin_group.add('Title') { |spinner| sleep 3.0 } spin_group.add('Title 2') { |spinner| sleep 3.0; spinner.update_title('New Title'); sleep 3.0 } end Text Color formatting e.g. {{red:Red}} {{green:Green}} puts CLI::UI.fmt "{{red:Red}} {{green:Green}}" Symbol/Glyph Formatting e.g. {{*}} => a yellow ⭑ puts CLI::UI.fmt "{{*}} {{v}} {{?}} {{x}}" Status Widget CLI::UI::Spinner.spin("building packages: {{@widget/status:1:2:3:4}}") do |spinner| # spinner.update_title(...) sleep(3) end Progress Bar Show progress of a process or operation. CLI::UI::Progress.progress do |bar| 100.times do bar.tick end end Frame Styles Modify the appearance of CLI::UI both globally and on an individual frame level. To set the default style: CLI::UI.frame_style = :box To style an individual frame: CLI::UI.frame('New Style!', frame_style: :bracket) { puts 'It's pretty cool!' } The default style - :box - is what has been used up until now. The other style - :bracket - looks like this: CLI::UI.frame_style = :bracket CLI::UI::StdoutRouter.enable'Frame 1') do'Frame 2') { puts "inside frame 2" } puts "inside frame 1" end Sorbet We make use of Sorbet in cli-ui. We provide stubs for Sorbet so that you can use this gem even if you aren't using Sorbet. We activate these stubs if T is undefined when the gem is loaded. For this reason, if you would like to use this gem and your project does use Sorbet, ensure you load Sorbet before loading cli-ui. Example Usage The following code makes use of nested-framing, multi-threaded spinners, formatted text, and more. require 'cli/ui' CLI::UI::StdoutRouter.enable'{{*}} {{bold:a}}', color: :green) do'{{i}} b', color: :magenta) do'{{?}} c', color: :cyan) do do |sg| sg.add('wow') do |spinner| sleep(2.5) spinner.update_title('second round!') sleep (1.0) end sg.add('such spin') { sleep(1.6) } sg.add('many glyph') { sleep(2.0) } end end end CLI::UI::Frame.divider('{{v}} lol') puts CLI::UI.fmt '{{info:words}} {{red:oh no!}} {{green:success!}}' do |sg| sg.add('more spins') { sleep(0.5) ; raise 'oh no' } end end Output: Development Run tests using bundle exec rake test. All code should be tested. No code, outside of development and tests needs, should use dependencies. This is a self contained library Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at License The code is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
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