
This repository contains configuration for Klipper-Klipper screen and neopixel for FLSUN Super Racer with the necessary scripts and macros using robin nano V3 Motherboard.

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If you like my Work Buy Me a Coffee! ๐ŸŒนโค๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’™ This repository contains settings for Klipper, KlipperScreen and Neopixel for FLSUN Super Racer with necessary scripts and macros using MKS Robin Nano V3.0 motherboard. References Hardware The recommended hardware is a Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry Pi 3, or Raspberry Pi 4 This installation is based on MKS Robin Nano V3.0 with TMC2209 stepper drivers and Raspberry Pi4 Touchscreen Display "Work in Progress for other motheroards." Raspberry Pi 4 Touchscreen Display ADXL 345 for input shaper test (optional) Installation Prepare your OS image (I'm using Raspberry Pi OS Legacy (Buster version) to use omx-player to run my splash screen on startup). , or you can use Raspberry PI Imager Find the Raspberry Pi IP (you can use fing app on your phone). Easy way to install Klipper with Kiauh: You need to install git first, on SSH run this command: sudo apt-get install git -y. After git is installed, use the following commands in the given order to download and execute the script: cd ~ git clone ./kiauh/ Install with Kiauh script in the following order: 1.Klipper 2.Moonraker 3.Fluidd or Mainsail or both using a different port for the 2nd install, example: Port 81 (I added themes for Mainsail) 4.KlipperScreen On your browser type your Raspberry Pi IP to open Fluidd interface then import: .theme (folder) printer.cfg klipperScreen.conf macros.cfg led_progress.cfg (if you have neopixel installed) Build firmware and flash your motherboard Open SSH to compile the microcontroller code, start by running these commands: cd ~/klipper/ make menuconfig [*] Enable extra low-level configuration options Microcontroller Architecture (STMicroelectronics STM32) ---> STMicroelectronics STM32 Processor model (STM32F407) ---> Bootloader offset (48ย KiB bootloader (MKS Robin Nano V3)) ---> Clock Reference (8 MHz crystal) ---> Communication interface (USB (on PA11/PA12)) ---> - Press "Q" to exit, and then "Y" to save and run make command to flashing image for your printer motherboard. make If you have a problem to flash your firmware enter this command: make clean git pull make Open WinSCP App (, connect with your Raspberry Pi IP and navigate to: /home/pi/klipper/out Copy and paste "klipper.bin" firmware to your desktop and rename the file to "Robin_nano_v3.bin". Format your microSD card (be careful, do not use the one present in the Raspberry Pi) in FAT32 with allocation unit size 4096 (max capacity 32GB) then paste "Robin_nano_v3.bin" file in the root of your microSD card. With printer off, insert the microSD card into the dedicated port on the motherboard and turn on the printer. Flash procedure starts (without displaying anything on the screen) and lasts a few seconds. Connect your Raspberry Pi to your printer using USB cable. Comeback to your SSH session then type: ls /dev/serial/by-id/* It should report something similar to the following: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f407xx_4D0052000950325436303720-if00 Each printer have a unique serial Copy your serial then paste it in printer.cfg [mcu] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f407xx_4D0052000950325436303720-if00#Configuration of the primary micro-controller Use ls /dev/serial/by-id/* baud: 250000 restart_method: command If everything is correct, you can connect your Raspberry Pi with your printer. Calibration 1 - Z-Offset "You can do this with Fluidd, Mainsaill terminal or via KlipperScreen" Home Make sure to connect bed level probe before to start the following command. On your terminal run PROBE_CALIBRATE command. Printer will probe 5 times then stop at 20 mm of the bed. Remove bed level probe. Paper test: This involves placing a piece of plain paper between the bed and the nozzle so that the sheet of paper slightly scrapes the nozzle. Use the TESTZ command to request the nozzle to move closer to the paper. For example, TESTZ z=-1 to go down, TESTZ z=1 to go up. It's also possible to use TESTZ Z=+ or TESTZ Z=- to "bisect" the last position that is to move to a position halfway between two positions. When you got the right Z-Offset, run ACCEPT then SAVE_CONFIG commands or ABORT command to stop the calibration procedure. 2 - DELTA_CALIBRATE Home. Make sure to connect bed level probe before to start the following command. Run DELTA_CALIBRATE command and wait until finish then SAVE_CONFIG. 3 - BED_MESH_CALIBRATE Home Make sure to connect bed level probe before to start the following command. Run BED_MESH_CALIBRATE command and wait until finish then SAVE_CONFIG. 4 - Print 1st layer test using "1st_layer_test0.2.gcode" [ ] Adjust your Z-Offset while printing. When it's done, run Z_OFFSET_APPLY_PROBE then SAVE_CONFIG commands to save the new Z-Offset. If you still have problem with your Z-Offset, after G28 line add your Z-Offset value to your Start-Gcode, Ex:SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=0.35. Install Samtech3d Themes For Klipper Screen Navigate to /home/pi/KlipperScreen/styles using WinSCP App then drag and drop "Samtech-red & Samtech-blue" folders. In KlipperScreen Go to Configuration / Settings and scroll down to Icon Theme "Samtech-red & Samtech-blue". Neopixel Installation Or Add led_progress.cfg then included in your printer.cfg [include led_progress.cfg] Add this lines to your printer.cfg [neopixel neo] pin: PB2 chain_count:15 color_order: GRB initial_RED: 0.0 initial_GREEN: 0.0 initial_BLUE: 0.0 initial_WHITE: 0.0 Add this lines to your KlipperScreen.conf ##################################################### ########## My Klipper Screen Neopixel ############## ##################################################### [menu __main Lights] #Lights name: Lights icon: light [menu __main Lights Lights_On] name: Lights On icon: light method: printer.gcode.script params: {"script":"neopixel_on"} [menu __main Lights Lights_Off] name: Lights Off icon: light method: printer.gcode.script params: {"script":"neopixel_off"} [menu __main Lights blue] name: blue icon: lightB method: printer.gcode.script params: {"script":"blue_on"} [menu __main Lights red] name: red icon: lightR method: printer.gcode.script params: {"script":"red_on"} [menu __main Lights green] name: green icon: lightG method: printer.gcode.script params: {"script":"green_on"} [menu __main Lights extruder_temp] name: Glow icon: extruder method: printer.gcode.script params: {"script":"extrudertemp"} [menu __main Lights extruder_progress] name: Progression icon: extruder method: printer.gcode.script params: {"script":"extruderprogress"} [menu __main Lights bedtemp] name: Glow icon: bed method: printer.gcode.script params: {"script":"bedtemp"} [menu __main Lights bedprogress] name: Progression icon: bed method: printer.gcode.script params: {"script":"bedprogress"} [menu __main Lights percentprogress] name: Progression icon: percentage method: printer.gcode.script params: {"script":"percentprogress"} [menu __main Lights percentglow] name: Glow icon: percentage method: printer.gcode.script params: {"script":"percentglow"} [menu __main Lights speedprogress] name: Progression icon: speed+ method: printer.gcode.script params: {"script":"speedprogress"} Add this lines to your macros.cfg ############################################# ######### NeoPixel By Samtech 3D############# ############################################# [gcode_macro neopixel_on] gcode: SET_LED LED=neo RED=1 GREEN=1 BLUE=1 [gcode_macro neopixel_off] gcode: NEOPIXEL_DISPLAY LED="neo" TYPE=clear [gcode_macro blue_on] gcode: SET_LED LED=neo RED=0 GREEN=0 BLUE=1 [gcode_macro red_on] gcode: SET_LED LED=neo RED=1 GREEN=0 BLUE=0 [gcode_macro green_on] gcode: SET_LED LED=neo RED=00 GREEN=1 BLUE=0 [gcode_macro extrudertemp] gcode: neopixel_display LED=neo TYPE=extruder_temp MODE=glow [gcode_macro extruderprogress] gcode: neopixel_display LED=neo TYPE=extruder_temp MODE=progress [gcode_macro bedtemp] gcode: neopixel_display LED=neo TYPE=bed_temp MODE=glow [gcode_macro bedprogress] gcode: neopixel_display LED=neo TYPE=bed_temp MODE=progress [gcode_macro percentprogress] gcode: neopixel_display LED=neo TYPE=print_percent MODE=progress [gcode_macro percentglow] gcode: neopixel_display LED=neo TYPE=print_percent MODE=glow [gcode_macro speedprogress] gcode: neopixel_display LED=neo TYPE=printer_speed MODE=progress [gcode_macro speedglow] gcode: neopixel_display LED=neo TYPE=printer_speed MODE=glow
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