
JSON encoder and decoder.

Common LispNewLisp
This is stars and forks stats for /Rudolph-Miller/jonathan repository. As of 27 Apr, 2024 this repository has 158 stars and 24 forks.

Jonathan JSON encoder and decoder. It's faster than jsown - high performance Common Lisp json parser. See Document. This HTML is generated by Codex. Usage (to-json '(:name "Common Lisp" :born 1984 :impls (SBCL KCL))) ;; => "{\"NAME\":\"Common Lisp\",\"BORN\":1984,\"IMPLS\":[\"SBCL\",\"KCL\"]}" (to-json '(:name "Common Lisp" :born 1984 :impls (SBCL KCL)) :octets t) ;; => #(123 34 78 65 77 69 34 58 34 67 111 109 109 111 110 32 76 ...) (to-json '((:name . "Common Lisp") (:born . 1984)...
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