
Building JUCE projects using CMake made easy

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FRUT makes it easy to build JUCE projects using CMake instead of Projucer. It enables more flexibility in project architecture, simplified CI setup, and easier integration with other JUCE and non-JUCE projects. Converting an existing JUCE project to FRUT is easy, and you don't need to be a CMake expert to use it! In short Requirements CMake (3.4 minimum, or higher depending on the target platform) JUCE (4.2.0 minimum) Supported platforms iOS Linux macOS Windows (MSVC and MinGW) Documentation - Contributing Contributions are welcome! See for more details. All contributors are recognized Table of Contents Background Contents Requirements Supported Projucer exporters Documentation Getting started Contributing Contributors License Background JUCE comes with its own project generation tool, Projucer, which is very useful when starting a JUCE project. However, Projucer doesn't scale well when you want to make some aspects of your project configurable, when you want to add external libraries, when you want to use Continuous Integration, or when you want to manage several projects at once. FRUT was created to overcome these limitations, while making it very easy to migrate an existing JUCE project that uses Projucer. Since FRUT is based on CMake, you also get access to many great features of CMake, including testing and packaging utilities. Contents FRUT currently contains: Jucer2CMake, a console application that converts .jucer project files into ready-to-use CMakeLists.txt files, Reprojucer.cmake, a CMake module that provides high-level functions to reproduce how a JUCE project is defined in Projucer, several CMakeLists.txt files generated from existing .jucer project files, including: examples and extras projects from JUCE 4.2.0 (in generated/JUCE-4.2.0) examples and extras projects from JUCE 4.3.1 (in generated/JUCE-4.3.1) examples and extras projects from JUCE 5.0.0 (in generated/JUCE-5.0.0) examples and extras projects from JUCE 5.2.1 (in generated/JUCE-5.2.1) examples and extras projects from JUCE 5.3.1 (in generated/JUCE-5.3.1) examples and extras projects from JUCE 5.4.3 (in generated/JUCE-5.4.3) examples and extras projects from JUCE 5.4.7 (in generated/JUCE-5.4.7) examples and extras projects from JUCE 6.0.5 (in generated/JUCE-6.0.5) examples and extras projects from JUCE 6.1.6 (in generated/JUCE-6.1.6) examples and extras projects from JUCE 7.0.7 (in generated/JUCE-7.0.7) Requirements CMake, version 3.4 minimum JUCE, version 4.2.0 minimum Supported Projucer exporters Jucer2CMake and Reprojucer.cmake support the following Projucer exporters (also known as "export targets"): SupportedExporterCMake requirements and optionsMissing features ✔️Xcode (macOS) 4 unsupported Xcode exporter settings ✔️Xcode (iOS)version 3.14 minimum-G Xcode -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=iOS ✔️Visual Studio 2022version 3.21 minimum 3 unsupported Visual Studio exporter settings ✔️Visual Studio 2019version 3.14 minimum ✔️Visual Studio 2017version 3.7 minimum(3.13.3 when VS 2019 is installed) ✔️Visual Studio 2015 ✔️Visual Studio 2013 ✔️Linux Makefile ❌Android ✔️Code::Blocks (Windows) ✔️Code::Blocks (Linux) Documentation You can read the documentation of FRUT on Read the Docs: Getting started Let's consider that you have a copy of JUCE, a copy of FRUT and a JUCE project called MyGreatProject following this folder structure: <root> ├── FRUT/ ├── JUCE/ └── MyGreatProject/ ├── Source/ └── MyGreatProject.jucer We first build and install FRUT with CMake: $ cd <root>/FRUT/ $ mkdir build && cd build/ $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="../prefix" -DJUCE_ROOT="../../JUCE" ... -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: <root>/FRUT/build $ cmake --build . --target install # or $ cmake --build . --target install --parallel # with CMake 3.12 or later ... If it fails to build and install, please report the problem by creating a new issue on GitHub: Then we convert MyGreatProject.jucer to a new CMakeLists.txt file: $ cd <root>/MyGreatProject/ $ ../FRUT/prefix/FRUT/bin/Jucer2CMake reprojucer MyGreatProject.jucer ../FRUT/prefix/FRUT/cmake/Reprojucer.cmake <root>/MyGreatProject/CMakeLists.txt has been successfully generated. Now we can build MyGreatProject using CMake: $ cd <root>/MyGreatProject/ $ mkdir build && cd build/ $ cmake .. -G<generator> ... -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: <root>/MyGreatProject/build $ cmake --build . # or $ cmake --build . -- -parallelizeTargets # when <generator> is Xcode # or $ cmake --build . --parallel # with CMake 3.12 or later ... <generator> can be one of many CMake Generators supported by your platform, including Ninja, NMake Makefiles (on Windows), Unix Makefiles (on Linux and macOS), Visual Studio 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2022 (on Windows), and Xcode (on macOS). Contributing Contributions to FRUT are very welcomed and you can contribute even if you don't know anything about CMake. See the file for more details. Contributors FRUT follows the all-contributors specification and is brought to you by these awesome contributors: Alain Martin 💻 👀 📖 Matthieu Talbot 👀 💻 🐛 Florian Goltz 💻 Fabien Roussel 🐛 👀 Xavier Jouvenot 🐛 👀 Nikolai Wuttke 👀 Dominik Grzelak 🐛 Dennis Scheffer 🐛 💻 Scott Wheeler 💻 🐛 Iqra Shahzad 🐛 Romain Clement 🐛 Stijn Frishert 🐛 Jerry Chan 🐛 👀 Frank Lange 🐛 Johannes Elliesen 🐛 💻 David Holland 💻 Dimitri Sudell 🐛 👀 Dan Raviv 🐛 👀 Rory Walsh 🐛 Eyal Amir 🐛 Michael Hetrick 🐛 Alex 💻 👀 Alexey Romanoff 🐛 Benedikt Adams 🐛 Steve Baker 🐛 David Crome 🐛 JF Castel-Branco 🐛 Butch Warns 🐛 Suganthan BC 🐛 Thiébaud Fuchs 🐛 💻 Hayden Setlik 🐛 Adrian Ostrowski 💻 Naïl Perreau 🐛 License FRUT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. FRUT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the LICENSE file for more details.
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