
Automatically translate, uncensor and update HoneySelect2!

Inno SetupC#Rich Text Format
This is stars and forks stats for /ManlyMarco/HS2-HF_Patch repository. As of 26 Apr, 2024 this repository has 127 stars and 21 forks.

HF Patch for Honey Select 2! A patch for Honey Select 2 with all free updates, fan-made English translations and essential mods. It will allow you to load all character cards and scenes and give you countless gameplay improvements while still keeping the original, uncluttered and clean feel of the game. All content is tested and fixed (or removed) as needed before each update. HF Patch can repair many common problems, try it if you have issues with your game or mod setup. Read the full HF Patch manual...
Read on GithubGithub Stats Page
ManlyMarco/KKS-HF_PatchInno SetupC#850120
get-iplayer/get_iplayer_win32Inno SetupPuppetMakefile1300150
TES5Edit/TES5EditPascalRich Text FormatOther637+31250
phodal/githubRich Text FormatHTMLOther9.2k+171.8k+1
Maradonna90/NewGAN-ManagerRich Text FormatPython115+1210
0vercl0k/CVE-2022-21971Rich Text Format3000650
TheParmak/conti-leaks-englishedRich Text FormatPHPBlade54901380