
This repository contains all the work that I regularly did and studied from Medium blogs, several research papers, and other Repos (related/unrelated to the research papers).

This is stars and forks stats for /AnshMittal1811/MachineLearning-AI repository. As of 18 Apr, 2024 this repository has 177 stars and 51 forks.

250 days of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning This is the 250 days Challenge of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AI, and Optimization (mini-projects and research papers) that I picked up at the start of January 2022. I have used various environments and Google Colab, and certain environments for this work as it required various libraries and datasets to be downloaded. The following are the problems that I tackled: Day 1 (01/01/2022): GradCAM Implementation on Dogs v/s Cats using VGG16...
Read on GithubGithub Stats Page
rapidsai/raftCudaC++Jupyter Notebook382+15125+1
google-research/maximPythonJupyter Notebook8260900
AliaksandrSiarohin/first-order-modelJupyter NotebookPython13.8k03.1k0
sberbank-ai/ru-dalleJupyter NotebookPython1.6k-2248+1
4paradigm/AutoXJupyter NotebookPythonOther46301550
microsoft/AI-For-BeginnersJupyter NotebookPythonHTML17.7k03.1k0