
a collection of yasnippet snippets for many languages

YASnippetEmacs LispClojureemacsemacs-lispyasnippet
This is stars and forks stats for /AndreaCrotti/yasnippet-snippets repository. As of 26 Apr, 2024 this repository has 1093 stars and 456 forks.

Yasnippet official snippet collections This repository contains the official collection of snippets for yasnippet. How to install From melpa You can install this package from melpa, by first ensuring that you have the melpa source in your package-archives. (require 'package) (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t) (package-initialize) Once that is done, then just refresh the packages and install it with. M-x package-refresh-contents M-x package-install...
Read on GithubGithub Stats Page
emacs-tree-sitter/tree-sitter-langsEmacs LispShellPowerShell18201190
iquiw/company-restclientEmacs Lisp59010
alf/ob-restclient.elEmacs Lisp1950220
emacs-dashboard/emacs-dashboardEmacs LispMakefile1.1k01250
melpa/melpaEmacs LispJavaScriptHTML2.6k02.4k+2
clojure-emacs/clj-refactor.elEmacs LispGherkinMakefile76301100
lewang/ws-butlerEmacs LispMakefile2260250
org-roam/org-roamEmacs LispMakefileShell5.1k+64500