
Visual Studio Code Snippets for Acumatica xRP

Vim Snippet
This is stars and forks stats for /Acumatica/CodeSnippets repository. As of 19 Apr, 2024 this repository has 5 stars and 0 forks.

Acumatica Code Snippets Code snippets are small blocks of reusable code that can be inserted in a code file. Acumatica Code Snippets is a collection of Visual Studio code snippets designed for Acumatica. It provides templates for: DACs and DAC fields Graph event handlers with different signature styles: Classic Name Convention signature Generic signature Short generic signature for graph field events How to Install Code Snippets Download snippets from the src folder In your Visual Studio open "Code...
Read on GithubGithub Stats Page
chriskempson/tomorrow-themeCSSVim ScriptLess13.5k03.3k+1
dstein64/vim-startuptimeVim ScriptLuaPython4900120
ntpeters/vim-better-whitespaceVim Script1.3k+182+1
jhulten/dotvimVim Script2000
previm/previmJavaScriptVim ScriptCSS77701350
vim-scripts/indentpython.vimVim Script820250
emallove/my-home-directoryVim ScriptJavaScriptVisual Basic .NET2000
mustache/vim-mustache-handlebarsVim ScriptMustache4440560
mlapshin/dotfilesVim ScriptLuaShell3000
editorconfig/editorconfig-vimVim ScriptPowerShellShell3.1k01420